Blue-green infrastructure of a regenerative city


blue-green infrastructure
regenerative city
local authorities
urban areas

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Bernaciak, A., Bernaciak, A., & Fortuński, B. . (2025). Blue-green infrastructure of a regenerative city. Economics and Environment, 91(4), 978.


This paper explores the challenges and opportunities associated with implementing blue-green infrastructure (BGI) in urban environments, particularly within regenerative cities. It addresses how BGI initiatives can align with urban sustainability goals, especially in densely developed areas where traditional infrastructure practices often hinder the integration of new ecological solutions. The study employs a narrative literature review and case studies to identify and categorise formal-legal, organisational, and financial barriers to implementing BGI projects in urban areas. The analysis includes examining legal documents, scholarly articles, and real-world examples, providing insights into common obstacles and practical implications for urban planning. Findings reveal significant regulatory, technical, and administrative challenges to BGI implementation, particularly related to the inflexible nature of local planning regulations and the need for interdisciplinary collaboration. The paper outlines practical recommendations, such as adjusting local policies, enhancing stakeholder engagement, and valuing ecosystem services to facilitate BGI projects. While the study highlights existing challenges, further empirical research on the long-term impacts of BGI in various climatic and urban contexts is recommended.



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