Transport systems in cities must be constantly adjusted to accommodate the ongoing changes in the environment. Apart from life quality expectations, civilizational growth requires also meeting certain requirements in terms of safety and environmental protection. The aim of this study is to determine the extent of the implementation of the postulates of Target 2, Goal 11. of the UN Agenda for Sustainable Development through the projects submitted to participatory budgeting. When analysing the projects submitted by city dwellers, special attention was paid to those intended to introduce changes in the city’s transport system. The study takes into account all of the previously implemented participatory budgets. Amongst the total of 1478 projects submitted in the years 2013-2019 316 concerned transportation issues. 46 of them were selected by vote by city dwellers. They were mostly
projects concerning the construction and extension of bicycle paths and increasing the safety of pedestrians. The study findings show how big interest city dwellers have in transport and communication issues. The selection of projects submitted in this regard can contribute greatly to increasing safety, reducing the impact on the environment and, in effect, improving the quality of city life.

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