The article aims to define the differences and similarities between students of Polish and Arab nationality related to environmental awareness. The study has been carried out as a diagnostic survey using the proprietary questionnaire form. The survey included 418 Polish students representing 44 universities and 110 Arab students from 7 countries and 40 universities. Both groups have been shown to have their own distinct characteristics, although some similarities can also be found. The greatest differences are revealed in the scope of subjective assessment of the state of the environment, types of pro-environmental actions taken by them and readiness to make sacrifices to the environment. The similarities are noticeable in declared knowledge about the environment, the sources of information on the environment and its quality and opinions on the most important environmental threats. The most important reasons for the observed variability are differences between environmental conditions in Poland and on the Arabian Peninsula, differences in the scope of environmental hazards and problems, as well as various cultural conditions (especially religious ones) and related values.
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