A bibliometric analysis of ESG performance in the cooperative banks: from the current status to future directions
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bibliometric analysis

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Korzeb, Z., Niedziółka, P., Szpilko, D., & de la Torre Gallegos, A. (2024). A bibliometric analysis of ESG performance in the cooperative banks: from the current status to future directions. Czasopismo "Economics and Environment", 89(2), 809. https://doi.org/10.34659/eis.2024.89.2.809


The purpose of the study is to systematise research on the ESG activities in cooperative banks. Its objective is also to create thematic clusters of research directions dedicated to ESG performance in cooperative banks. The study is based on a bibliometric analysis of articles from Scopus and Web of Science between 2010 and March 2024. Our results allow the identification of 13 clusters of research directions dedicated to ESG performance. The research idea is justified by the importance of sustainable banking and the need to systematise knowledge on ESG practices in cooperative banks and to identify areas where in-depth research is needed. The originality of the study consists in that we do not refer to a specific geographical area, method and period, but on the basis of citation rates and the number of publications focusing on a given issue, and identify research directions that create space for further in-depth research.

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Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Czasopismo "Economics and Environment"


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