The article provided a classification of scientific research relating to European Green Deal (EGD) issues to assess their compatibility with areas identified in the EGD strategy document and identify emerging future research directions. A systematic literature review was based on bibliometric analysis and focused on articles in Scopus and Web of Science databases. The systematic literature review aimed to identify, integrate and evaluate research on the selected topic based on clearly defined criteria. Research query included (TITLE-ABS-KEY (“EU” OR europ*) AND TITLE-ABS-KEY (“green deal”) ) in the case of Scopus and TS = (“EU” OR europ*) AND “green deal”) in the case of Web of Science. In total, 641 publication records were qualified for analysis. The bibliometric analysis allowed identifying eight thematic clusters and linking them to the eight areas of the European Green Deal strategy. The bibliometric analysis enabled the identification of eight thematic areas of international research undertaken in relation to the European Green Deal. These cover a variety of topics from social sciences, engineering, agriculture, sciences and natural sciences. Clusters included: Energy, circular economy, industry, building, mobility, food, biodiversity and pollution.
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