Determinants and trends of logistics paradigms in industrial revolutions
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logistics paradigm
industrial revolutions
physical internet

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Bielecki, M., Galińska, B., & Tokarski, D. (2024). Determinants and trends of logistics paradigms in industrial revolutions. Czasopismo "Economics and Environment", 90(3), 780.


Undoubtedly, fundamental technological, economic, social and cultural changes, i.e., industrial revolutions (IR), have an impact on the determinants of industrial operations, including logistics. The purpose of this article is to identify logistics paradigms (LP) in the context of IR and current trends in the literature. The method used to achieve this goal is a systematic literature review (SLR). The research problem was encapsulated in the finding that there are no clearly defined LPs in the literature. To solve the research problem, the authors conducted SLR by searching the bibliometric-abstract databases for articles with the LP phrase in the title, abstracts, and keywords. An attempt was then made to systematise the content of the articles. A major limitation of the research conducted was the lack of previous research work on LPs. The article discusses the concept of systematising LP according to IR and current trends in logistics. 

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