Global urban population growth, climate change, and the energy crisis pose significant challenges for the local authorities and encourage a shift in local policy-making towards sustainable development. Local governments have to cater to public needs and expectations regarding recreational spaces and environmental protection by implementing innovative infrastructure solutions, including those based on renewable energy sources. In recent years, the debate on urban planning has centred on the placemaking approach and the implementation of the 15-minute city and smart city concepts. This novel approach promotes sustainable urban development that relies on the links between the natural environment, the economy, and society. The aim of this study was to explore the possibilities of urban planning solutions and the components of urban infrastructure that contribute to sustainable urban development in the context of improving the quality of local life. Local community needs were identified in a questionnaire survey and during a field investigation. The study was conducted in a medium-sized Polish city where public recreational spaces were redesigned in line with the principles of sustainable urban development. The results were used to propose universal urban development projects that address local needs and rely on renewable energy sources to create a sustainable future for society, the natural environment, and the climate.
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