Publication date
Dear Authors,
We kindly inform you that due to the large number of applications, we are currently accepting articles for publication in 2026.
Editorial Board of the Journal "Economics and Environment"
Change of ISSN numbers
We want to inform you that, by the decision of the National ISSN Centre of the Polish National Library, the new ISSNs for the journal Economics and Environment will be effective from April 2024.
New ISSNs:
ISSN 2957-0387
ISSN 2957-0395 (online).
Publishing of papers
We would like to kindly inform you that the "Economics and Environment" journal publishes papers successively after receiving positive reviews and completing the editorial work.
International Scientific Conference „Resilient and sustainable economies”
We would like to kindly inform you that the Polish Association of Environmental and Natural Resource Economists is organising an International Scientific Conference "Resilient and sustainable economies" to be held on 25-29.IX.2024 in Giby near Augustów.
Read more about International Scientific Conference „Resilient and sustainable economies”
The Conference "New Challenges for Sustainable Development"
Publication deadline
Please be aware that articles submitted to the Journal after 20 April 2023 will be published in 2024.
Change of name of the journal "Ekonomia i Środowisko - Economics and the Environment"
Due to the internationalisation of the journal "Economics and Environment", the Board of the Foundation of Environmental and Natural Resource Economists, in agreement with the Foundation Council and the Polish Association of Environmental and Natural Resource Economists, has decided to change the name of the journal to: "Economics and Environment".
Change of publication fee
Dear Authors,
We would like to kindly inform you that as of March 1, 2023, the fee for the publication of an article in the "Ekonomia i Środowisko" journal will increase by VAT.
The basic fee for an article of up to 25 thousand characters will be 2500 PLN +23% VAT, and for each additional 1 thousand characters - 50 PLN + 23% VAT.
The fee for PSEŚiZN members will be PLN 2000 +VAT.
Editors of the journal
100 points according to the Polish Minister of Science!
The "Ekonomia i Środowisko - Economics and Environment" journal obtained 100 points. in the evaluation of the Polish Ministry of Education and Science
Read more about 100 points according to the Polish Minister of Science!
Profesor BAZYLI POSKROBKO (1941-2021)
W dniu 28 października 2021 roku zmarł Profesor dr hab. inż. Bazyli Poskrobko – Fundator Fundacji Ekonomistów Środowiska i Zasobów Naturalnych oraz wieloletni redaktor naczelny Czasopisma „Ekonomia i Środowisko”.
Publishing House "Economics and Environment" with 80 points
We kindly inform the authors that the publisher of the journal "Ekonomia i Środowisko" - Wydawnictwo Ekonomia i Środowisko has been included in the List of publishers publishing reviewed scientific monographs of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education at the level I (80 points). We invite you to the Publisher.
Read more about Publishing House "Economics and Environment" with 80 points