The role of the river in the development of the city on the example of the Odra and the city of Głogów


city-forming functions
balanced and sustainable development

How to Cite

Becla, A., & Rutkowska, M. (2024). The role of the river in the development of the city on the example of the Odra and the city of Głogów. Economics and Environment, 88(1), 621.


The authors analysed the role of the river in the city's development using the case study method. The subject of the research was the city of Głogów, situated on the Odra River. The research focused on the city-forming functions of rivers in the light of historical and contemporary analyses. The leading city-forming planes of the Odra River for Głogów and its role in the local economy were identified. The potential of the Odra River for the balanced and sustainable development of the city of Głogów and the conditions for its use have also been indicated. Rivers will play, as they have historically, a significant role in the future development of cities, which implies the need to change strategies for the development of urbanised riverine areas. This is because they are an opportunity for the sustainability of this development, and they are not sufficiently taken into account in these strategies.



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