Resource efficiency indicators in measuring eco-innovation in EU countries


Eco-innovation Scoreboard – Eco-IS
Resource Efficiency Outcomes index

How to Cite

Pakulska, J., & Rutkowska, M. (2024). Resource efficiency indicators in measuring eco-innovation in EU countries . Economics and Environment, 87(4), 446, 1-14.


The aim of the article is to analyse the diversity of the level of eco-innovation in the EU Member States in the field of resource efficiency. For this purpose, the resource efficiency outcomes indicator and its sub-indicators were used. The study was prepared on the basis of data from the General Directorate for the Environment. Using positional statistical measures, an analysis of the diversification of the eco-innovation level of the European Union Member States in 2012-2021 was carried out, and the trends of changes in this differentiation were identified. The analysis showed that the difference between the level of eco-innovation in the indicators studied in the EU Member States does not decrease, and there is still a very large difference between the most and the least innovative countries. To date, we have not found this kind of research, so the research carried out fills the research gap in this area.



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