Quantifying the green skills potential in the polish economy – An empirical analysis
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green skills
green jobs
potential for green skills creation

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Gajdos, A., & Antczak, E. (2024). Quantifying the green skills potential in the polish economy – An empirical analysis. Czasopismo "Economics and Environment", 89(2), 771. https://doi.org/10.34659/eis.2024.89.2.771


In this study, we employ a stepwise empirical approach to identify key occupational groups for green job (GJ) creation in Poland. We use the operating register of economic entities (REGON) and Polish Labor Force Survey (BAEL) data from the period 2015-2022. The changes in REGON reflect a proxy of changes in GJ stock in sectors of economic activity (PKD-2007). We estimate trends of green employment. Most sectors and many occupational groups have seen increases in GJ, except for agriculture, where the downward trend in employment has had a significant influence on the green labour market. Our findings will be useful when formulating policy recommendations for educational institutions, employment institutions, local governments, government institutions, investors, employers and students.

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Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Czasopismo "Economics and Environment"


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