Subscription economy as a response to new trends in Polish consumer behavior
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access economy
subscription economy
sharing economy
business model
trends in consumer behaviour

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Ziobrowska-Sztuczka, J., & Markiewicz, E. (2024). Subscription economy as a response to new trends in Polish consumer behavior. Czasopismo "Economics and Environment", 89(2), 747.


The purpose of this study is to identify trends in consumer behaviour relevant to the development of the subscription economy and to identify motives and preferences of Polish consumers related to the analysed business model. The study used the literature analysis and critique method and the diagnostic survey method (N=350). The authors' study showed a high interest of Poles in the subscription model, the highest among 18-24-year-olds. At the same time, as many as 75 percent of respondents in the oldest age group (over 60 years) declared that they would like to increase their subscriptions in the future. Based on the analysis, it was concluded that Poles have a high interest in products/services in the following categories: telecommunications/TV, home services, and medical services. Concerning the identified factors influencing consumer behaviour in terms of subscription economics, the research showed that economic factors such as subscription price remain the most important for Polish consumers. The article describes the new motivations and trends behind the adoption of subscription models by Polish consumers. 

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Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Czasopismo "Economics and Environment"


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