Models of stimulating energy efficiency of local government units as an element shaping the sustainable development of the modern economy
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econometric model of rewarding LGUs
mechanisms supporting energy transition
sustainable development of municipalities
energy efficiency of municipalities

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Salamaga, M., & Wąsowicz, K. (2024). Models of stimulating energy efficiency of local government units as an element shaping the sustainable development of the modern economy. Czasopismo "Economics and Environment", 89(2), 724.


The aim of the article is to present the construction of a tool motivating local government units (LGUs) to introduce a policy of saving energy from traditional sources and replacing it with renewable energy sources. The bonus allocation algorithm was built using econometric modelling based on the results of a survey conducted among LGUs. The survey allows for data collection, enabling the creation of energy efficiency indicators, which play a key role in the construction of the LGU bonus mechanism. The strength of the proposed tool lies in its construction based on models calculating the bonuses granted to LGUs depending on, e.g. the reduction of the pollutant emission index, the RES investment expenditure index, or the reduction in the energy consumption rate. This is the first proposal of its kind for a tool improving the energy efficiency of LGUs in Poland that was developed using the scientific method.

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