Green competences: A review and future research in the context of green human resource management
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Green Competences
Green Human Resource Management
green jobs
green psychological contract

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Sulich, A., & Kozar, L. J. (2024). Green competences: A review and future research in the context of green human resource management. Czasopismo "Economics and Environment", 89(2), 713.


This paper offers a bibliometric analysis of Green Competences (GCs) within Green Human Resource Management (GHRM). With the growing recognition of business sustainability, organizations are increasingly adopting green practices in GHRM. Therefore, GCs are often redefined in research and are presented in light of specific keywords explored in this bibliometric study. The article aims to present and explore various GCs definitions and scientific interest areas. This study uses the triangulation method based on Classical and Structured Literature Review. Query characteristics were explained and provide an inspiration for other researchers interested in GCs in GHRM context and provide information about reproducibility or future research directions. The paper also outlines future research direction towards a green psychological contract, focusing on aligning employee and management commitment to environmental norms and values, and provides theoretical insights and managerial recommendations for sustainable business practices.

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