Barriers influencing purchase behaviour of green personal care products – integrating innovation resistance theory perspective and stages of change model
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innovation resistance theory
stages of change model
green consumption barriers
green personal care products

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Szaban, M., & Stefańska, M. (2023). Barriers influencing purchase behaviour of green personal care products – integrating innovation resistance theory perspective and stages of change model . Czasopismo "Economics and Environment", 85(2), 420-455.


The study aimed to identify and explain perceived barriers to green consumption at different stages of behaviour change by integrating the Innovation Resistance Theory (IRT) and Stages of Behavioural Change (SOC) model. Through 20 in-depth interviews with consumers transitioning to green consumption at various stages, several barriers were identified. The knowledge barrier played a crucial role in shaping the adaptation process at every stage of change and was recognized as an independent construct within the IRT framework. Moreover, the research revealed that barriers such as tradition, value, usage, and risk exerted a stronger inhibitory effect in the early stages of green consumption, while knowledge and image barriers evolved and had a distinct impact as consumers progressed through the stages. The study also highlighted triggers that positively stimulated green consumption. These findings have implications for green marketing and can guide targeted interventions to promote sustainable consumption more effectively.

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