International transfers of the environmental protection technologies are increasingly important in the international trade and economic development. The article’ s aim is to discuss the subject and the level of international transfers in the environmental
protection sector in connection with the development of the R&D sector in the chosen European countries. In the framework of selected European Union countries there were analyzed the relationships between the international transfer of eco-technologies and the research and development sector, which turned out to be positive. The methodology was based on the presenting, comparing and measuring the strength of the connection between the international transfers in environmental protection
technologies and the R&D sector characteristics. The limitation of the research turned out to be the lack of the data after 2013 year and lack of the data for each European country. The practical implication of the analysis is that the support for the R&D sector can cause better environmental protection technologies exchange between countries and from the social point of view – better natural environment for the society in general.
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