Exploring the architectural and spatial potential of wine culture. A systematic literature review


wine architecture
spatial planning
cultural landscape

How to Cite

Jasiak, A. (2024). Exploring the architectural and spatial potential of wine culture. A systematic literature review. Economics and Environment, 90(3), 878. https://doi.org/10.34659/eis.2024.90.3.878


This article presents the results of a systematic review of the Scopus bibliographic database, during which the state of knowledge on wine architecture and urban planning accompanying vineyards was examined in light of the contemporary development of enotourism. In the 2020s, global interest in enotourism has grown, accompanied by the revival and development of wine culture. The aim of the research was to identify and verify sources of literature contributing to disciplinary knowledge on wine architecture and accompanying urban planning in light of the contemporary development of enotourism, as well as to classify the thematic literature. Based on bibliometric analysis using the VOSviewer software, thematic groups of publications were identified. The topic is an attempt to find current directions for the research concentration to match the emerging wine-related architecture. 



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