The framework of circular economy (CE) has emerged as a sustainable alternative to a waste-generating linear economy. To achieve this goal long term, it is important to educate youth. The levels of knowledge, attitude, and behaviour (KAB) among developed countries and developing countries differ. However, there are limited comparative studies. Our study investigates the KAB of university students of two countries – Poland and Nepal – to assess possible differences between developed and developing countries. The survey data were analyzed by applying descriptive statistics, t-statistics, and multiple regression models, with total sample of 166 participants. According to the survey, students in both countries possess knowledge, positive attitudes, and positive CE behaviour, with the knowledge level of Nepali students significantly higher compared to Polish students. In addition, the behaviours of students are correlated with knowledge and attitude. The findings also suggest that knowledge and attitude predict CE behaviour among students and students’ KAB differs across their place of origin (rural and urban). The findings of this study may be useful for policymakers, students, and academic institutions.
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