The aim of this research was to identify the key factors determining the level of soil liming in Poland. Spatial analyses were conducted using data from the 2020 National Agricultural Census. The study presents regional variations in selected parameters that characterise agricultural production quality and structural features, including the market connections of farms. The Classification and Regression Trees (C&RT) method was employed to identify the factors that most significantly influence the intensity of liming in the examined districts. These factors include the share of permanent grasslands, labour inputs, the percentage of farms engaged in commercial production, farm size, and the level of mineral fertilisation (NPK). The results indicate that regions with larger farms and higher NPK fertilisation tend to apply more lime. In contrast, areas with a higher share of permanent grasslands and labour-intensive activities show lower levels of liming. These findings suggest that improving agricultural practices, particularly in regions with small farms and limited fertilisation, could enhance soil liming efforts and align them with the European Green Deal's goals for sustainable agriculture.
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