This paper addresses the construction of large-scale photovoltaic farms. The paper describes the issues of the current overconsumption of energy from traditional sources and the associated overuse of fossil fuels. Alternatives to these processes are presented based on literature sources, and the use of renewable energy sources, focusing on solar energy, is recommended here. In the research section, attention was focused on the economic and environmental aspects of ventures involving the construction of large-scale farms by manufacturing companies with high monthly energy consumption. In the first stage of the work, economic analyses were carried out based on data obtained from photovoltaic installation companies. For the simulation, an assessment of the costs and benefits of building a photovoltaic farm for a steel construction company located in eastern Poland was used. Another element of the research part of the study was an analysis of the results of a questionnaire survey, which was conducted among people living in the vicinity of such farms. On this basis, the environmental impact of neighbouring areas of this type of investment was estimated. Positive conclusions from the analyses made it possible to recommend the construction of this type of facility, especially for manufacturing plants with high electricity consumption.
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