Social attitudes towards electronic waste and the implementation of circular economy principles
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circular economy
consumer behaviour

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Lorek, E., & Lorek, P. (2023). Social attitudes towards electronic waste and the implementation of circular economy principles. Czasopismo "Economics and Environment", 83(4), 325-337.


This article addresses the issue of electro-waste and the role of the consumer of electrical and electronic equipment within the organisation of a circular economy. The aim of the article is (i) to identify the attitudes of the consumers surveyed towards unused electrical and electronic equipment, (ii) to assess the consistency of the attitudes displayed with the principles of the circular economy, and (iii) to identify the most important factors influencing these attitudes. The theoretical part approaches issues such as consumers' subjective perception of electro-waste, the increasing amount of electro-waste globally, and the problems associated with limited recycling opportunities. The conducted study revealed the potential of the surveyed consumers for the organisation of the circular economy in the field of electro-waste management, as well as the risk factors in the form of depositing electro-waste into the municipal waste stream. The analysis also showed a correlation between attitudes towards electro-waste with factors such as age, gender and education. In the concluding part, the most underlying consumer problems related to electro-waste management were systematised; more thorough research was also signalled.

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Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 Czasopismo Ekonomia i Środowisko


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