Optimisation problem of China’s supply chain transportation issues in European logistics

How to Cite

Bazaras, D., Sokolovskij, E., Kuranovič, V., Ustinovičius, L., & Nowak, M. (2024). Optimisation problem of China’s supply chain transportation issues in European logistics. Economics and Environment, 90(3), 800. https://doi.org/10.34659/eis.2024.90.3.800


  The paper highlights the importance and validity of the research problem: the major consequence for logistics arising from China’s logistics market due to its effective short-term and long-term strategies and developing transportation wholesale. The presented viewpoint helps to clearly understand the international perspective of the vastly enlarging China’s supply chain market due to its strong links with logistics centres. In recent years, much scientific research and studies have been conducted in China and Europe regarding China’s transport evolution era, from the production stage to the physical distribution stage, involving multiple steps until loads are in customers’ hands. The article considers the optimisation problem of a supply chain with multiple periods and diverse means of transportation. The considered problem can be formulated as a dynamic multi-criteria decision-making problem, in which the criteria are minimising the total cost, minimising the carbon footprint, and minimising the average transporting time. 


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