Organic farming support policy as viewed by the farmers


organic farming
agricultural policy
farmer support
institutional restrictions

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Łuczka, W. . (2024). Organic farming support policy as viewed by the farmers. Economics and Environment, 90(3), 825.


The purpose of this paper is to present the policy for organic farming support in Poland as viewed by three groups of farmers: “committed”, “pragmatic”, and “committed pragmatic” ones. The authors determined the differences and similarities between the groups in how they view the support policy and found out whether they intend to continue or discontinue organic production in the future. The study relies on a qualitative survey administered to 154 organic farms. Most farmers were found to have a negative view of amendments to organic farming regulations. This can lead to a higher perception of risks involved in organic farming compared to conventional agriculture and may discourage them from continuing organic production in the future. When it comes to expectations about future policy, increased financial support is of key importance. This is especially true for two farmer groups: “committed” and “committed pragmatic” farmers. According to this study, the number of “pragmatic” farms is likely to change the most because every third member of that group intends to discontinue organic farming, and every third is hesitant about it.



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