Purpose: Image is one of the key issues in city marketing and branding. City image studies are essential tools for urban planners, social researchers as well as political decision-makers and local authorities aiming to understand how people perceive the urban space in which they live. The objective of this article is to identify the image of voivodeship cities among their residents based on the respondents’ age categories.
Methodology/approach: The article relies on the results of a quantitative study conducted with a sample of 728 respondents residing in selected voivodeship cities in Poland. The research tool employed in the study was a standardised survey questionnaire.
Findings: The findings reveal a statistically significant difference in the assessment of the overall city image by residents across various age categories.
Practical implications: This article may serve as an inspiration for city managers who, in shaping a positive image of urban centres, can communicate information about selected city attributes tailored to the chosen age category of inhabitants.
Originality/value: The research results unequivocally confirm that older city dwellers appear to be more inclined to feel an emotional connection to their place of residence and express positive opinions about it.
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