The water pollution by toxic elements is one of the major problems threatening human health as well as the quality of the environment. Sorption is considered a cost-effective method that is able to effectively remove heavy metals. During past few years, researches have been researching usage of low-cost adsorbents like bark, lignin, chitosan peat moss and sawdust. This paper deals with the study of copper, zinc and iron adsorption by adsorption of spruce sawdust obtained as a by-product from locally used wood. Raw spruce sawdust was used to remove heavy metal ions from the model solutions with ion concentration of 10 mg/L during 24 hours or 5, 10, 15, 30, 45, 60, 120 min, respectively. Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy was applied to determine functional groups of sawdust. Sorption effi ciency was higher than 67% in short-time experiments and higher than 75% for one
day experiments in all tested cations.

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