The development of a green economy in a situation of resource scarcity, global climate change, and environmental degradation means entering a new path of socio-economic development that will more effectively implement the goals of sustainable development. The level of its regional polarisation is stimulated by demographic, natural and technological, economic and social factors. The aim of the research was to identify and assess the level of regional polarisation in terms of the development of the green economy in voivodeships in Poland using a synthetic measure. The basis for the analysis was a set of substantively and statistically analysed diagnostic variables from 2010-2020 available in Statistics Poland. The result of the analysis was the presentation of regional polarisation and the ordering of voivodeships in Poland in 2010-2020 in terms of the synthetic measure - green economy. The green economy of voivodeships should be built based on available endogenous resources and planning and organisational solutions specific to the voivodeship. Using a synthetic measure to assess activities in the area of the green economy makes it possible to evaluate the effects and take corrective measures of the voivodeships' in this area.
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