The strategic challenges of the decarbonisation of the manufacturing industry



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Gajdzik, B., & Piontek, B. (2024). The strategic challenges of the decarbonisation of the manufacturing industry. Economics and Environment, 87(4), 680, 1-28.


The paper presents the problematic scope of decarbonisation of the heavy processing of the energy and carbon-intensive industry in relation to Polish conditions. The paper is part of the ongoing discussion of scientists and practitioners on the strategic challenges of the decarbonisation of industry in Poland. The paper is the result of conceptual research carried out on the basis of a review of secondary sources of information. In line with EU requirements, the industrial strategy must include a vision for 2050 decarbonisation. The ambitious “net zero” target – the prospect of zero CO2 emissions by 2050 – requires significant financial outlays and profound technological and organisational changes in many industries. The paper is an introduction to the discussion on the preparation of Polish industry for profound changes in decarbonisation.



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