The article aims to determine the efficiency of organic crop production and the potential of organic animal production on a macroeconomic scale in selected European Union (EU) countries. Synthetic indicators were constructed and calculated using Principal Component Analysis based on Eurostat data from 2012-2020. The results allowed us to compare the economic situation of organic farming in different countries and to determine their rankings. The discussion is complemented by an analysis of key variables relating to crop and animal production. This helped to explain the reasons for changes in the ranking of individual countries and to characterise the evolution of individual types of production. In organic crop and animal production, the clear leaders were the Netherlands, Belgium and Denmark (only in animal production), i.e., countries with well-developed, modern organic farming systems. Poland is characterised by relatively low crop production efficiency and one of the lowest animal production potentials. The results of the research can be used to improve the operation of agricultural policy in order to increase the efficiency of organic production.
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