The article aims to determine the share of mechanical-biological installation of waste processing (MBP) in the levels of recycling and preparation for the reuse of paper, metals, plastics, and glass (PMPG) achieved by municipalities. Two MBP installations were taken for the analysis - with the highest and the lowest share of municipalities in the Podlaskie Voivodship (Poland), which reached the recycling level required in 2019. In order to determine the share of MBP installations in the level of recycling achieved by communes, the share of the mass of recycled PMPG waste segregated from mixed municipal waste was calculated: in the total mass of generated PMPG waste and in the total mass of recycled PMPG waste from the municipal waste stream. On the basis of the conducted analyses, it should be stated that the MBP installation may have an impact on the achievement by municipalities of the recycling level required by law.
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