The purpose of the study is to form a methodology for strategic management of investment and innovation activities in environmentally safe nature management based on the analysis of world experience. The study's methodological approach is based on the step-by-step SMART-research,
economical-ecological analysis, systematic investment and innovation activities assessment, PESTLE-, SWOT-analyzes, and definition of ecologically safe strategies. The proposed study formulates the author's vision of combining methods of foresight methodology in the field of environmentally safe land management, SMART-method and Quintuple Helix (5 helix) for sustainable development of methodology for strategic management of investment and innovation activities in the field of environmentally safe land management. Furthermore, the proposed methodological approach will promote the development of applied tooling to develop systems of strategic management of investment and innovation activities of environmentally safe land management.
In contrast to the existing methodological approaches in land relations, the developed methodology of strategic management of investment and innovation activities in ecologically safe land management is based on a comprehensive combination and use of foresight tooling.

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