Because that the agricultural landscape is a public good it does not have a market price. However, there are methods available for estimating the value of non-market goods. Using one of the methods of valuation which is the Contingent Valuation Method (CVM) the survey research among 120 residents of rural-urban commune of Góra Kalwaria was conducted, in reference to the rural landscape valuation. Using the CART method, the following determinants of valuation of the landscape were identifi ed: age, visiting rural areas, type of residence, length of residence in a given place and personal income. The main determinant of the landscape value in this study group was age of respondents, which is reflected in the studies of other authors. However, those studies show
a dependency which is opposite to the one found in literature, specifi cally that people younger than 25,5 years are willing to pay higher amount of money to support the rural landscape than people older than 25,5 years.

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