Every year, the climate change is gaining momentum. One of the primary objectives of the European Union is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. However, we need to keep in mind that even if carbon dioxide emissions levels will be reduced to the stated level it does not change the fact, that some climate changes are inevitable. Therefore it is now when the adaptive actions should be carried out, to adapt the economy, the local society and the environment. to the new reality. The aim of this paper is to present the stages of the weather risk analysis, which should be carried out by the farm owner to effi ciently manage the weather risk. This stands an
inherent element of adapting to the climate change. To emphasise the importance of the subject, also taking the concept of sustainable development into account, the introduction presents the social, economic and environmental dimensions of the climate change. This is followed by the weather risk identifi cation methods, elements of an effective weather risk management in agriculture, the proposed fi nancial and physical security, so that at the end of the present scheme of weather risk analysis in agricultural busines.

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