The aim of the study was to determine the size of agritouristic accommodation base as well as its utilization in agritouristic farms located in communities with lands belonging to Białowieża National Park and Biebrza National Park. The study was conducted in 2010 and 2011 in 52 agritouristic farms (27 farms – Białowieża National Park, 25 farms – Biebrza National Park). The source data
were collected via direct interview technique. The questionnaire form sent to the farms owners was used as the research tool. The data obtained in the study allow us to conclude that the accommodation base utilization indicator in analyzed farms was highly differentiated and was in communities of Białowieża National Park in the range between 1,64%-27,40%, and in communities of Biebrza National Park between -0,68%-40,55%. The average value of this indicator in both analyzed regions was similar and amounted to 8,1% in Białowieża National Park, 8,9% in Biebrza National Park. The real participation of accommodation places in analyzed market – „market penetration” – in more than a half of farms was negative. The percentage of farms with negative value of this indicator was the same in both analyzed regions and amounted to 56%.
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