In view of such a complex phenomena as climate change not suffi cient outcomes emerge from concentrating separately on mitigation or adaptation efforts, but rather it is their integration in a coherent policy and the subsequently planned actions that could increase effectiveness and effi ciency as well as intensify the desired results. This working hypothesis is elaborated in the paper based on the case study of the city of Krakow in the Southern Poland. The aim of the paper is to identify the synergies
and trade-offs from the climate mitigation and adaptation efforts planned within the climate, water and development sectors in Krakow. The scoping study of the policies and strategic documents was performed with that respect and the state-of-the-art literature was studied to capture the latest advancements in the climate mitigation and adaptation integration studies in order to develop the research method. The applied method was validated as relevant for integration of these aspects with the focus on the cities. The results show the landscape of the planned strategic actions towards mitigation and adaptation to climate change as well as synergies and trade-offs between the two. In the discussion the results are analysed in view of the identifi ed performed studies of this type.

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