Economy is subject to constant change, and business models and strategies of enterprises often become obsolete before they are implemented. Such circumstances of the modern world force entrepreneurs to use creative thinking and non-standard solutions. Change is present in almost all business areas – starting from production, through distribution, marketing and sales, to operational
management. It is a commonly accepted permanent standard of the current times. The contemporary course of socio-economic development on the international arena is outlined by Agenda 2030, adopted in 2015, where the core is the idea of sustainable development. One of the tools for implementing sustainable development is the concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR). The aim of the article is to identify the benefits of incorporating CSR strategies into the business model of transport sector companies – from visions and missions, through strategic objectives, policies and programmes, and ending with procedures. It is supposed to improve efficiency and bring stable results, which will become a source of competitive advantage in the transport sector.

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