Rethinking sustainable development (policy) towards integrated resilience (action plan): regional level
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sustainable development policy
integrated resilience policy
integrated resilience action plan formulating
risk analysis
contemporary external threats

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Malik, K., Szewczuk-Stępień, M., & Bębenek, P. (2025). Rethinking sustainable development (policy) towards integrated resilience (action plan): regional level. Czasopismo "Economics and Environment", 91(4), 959.


The cognitive objective was to confirm the thesis that the sustainable development policy approach supports formulating the regional resilience action plan, while the practical purpose is to propose an original method for developing action plans in the area of creating and improving local resilience, which can be applied in regions that have previously sustainable development strategies and programmes. The sustainable development and integrated resilience approaches are being analysed at the regional level from different time perspectives: from the long run (strategy) to the short period (action plan). The main research methods included the expert method for identifying integrated resilience policy factors, multi-criteria evaluation of development projects based on resilience criteria, and a review of relevant literature. Because there is a gap in research and, therefore, application of resilient policy, the research undertaken is of significant importance from the point of identifying the integrated resilience policy model appropriate in the context of contemporary external threats. The practical outcome of the research is the authors’ model of resilience policy (action plan) of the regional economy using the sustainable development policy approach. The originality of the undertaken research lies in the formulation of the integrated resilience regional policy under the contemporary conditions of external threats.

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Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Czasopismo "Economics and Environment"


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