Assessment of the possibility of using waste aggregate dust for the production of vibro-pressed concrete paving blocks
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waste management
waste aggregate dust
vibro-pressed concrete paving block
splitting tensile strength

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Małaszkiewicz, D., Wasilewska, M., & Kozibąk, B. G. (2024). Assessment of the possibility of using waste aggregate dust for the production of vibro-pressed concrete paving blocks. Czasopismo "Economics and Environment", 90(3), 869.


Significant amounts of rock dust with a grain size similar to cement are generated during aggregate dedusting in the production of mineral-asphalt masses. These wastes are collected in tanks or silos and must be managed in such a way as not to generate costs related to disposal. On the other hand, the use of natural resources must be reduced in the production of cement composites. The objective of this research is to investigate the possibility of utilising aggregate dedusting waste (ADW) in vibro-pressed concrete paving blocks (VPCPB). Stage one of this research includes testing the compressive strength of concrete samples where cement was partially replaced by ADW or/and fly ash (FA). Stage two discusses the effect of cement replacement by ADW or FA on the splitting tensile strength of VPCPB. Using ADW in VPCPB is a promising option. Splitting tensile strength increased after both 7 and 28 days when ADW was used. 

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Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Czasopismo "Economics and Environment"


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