The main objective of the research was to recognise the importance of apps in the implementation of sustainable lifestyles of representatives of Generation Z. The specific objectives were to identify: sustainable behaviors, the relationship between areas of behavior and the use of apps correlating with the area, and their determinants. The main stages of the research process included: critical analysis of the literature on the subject, development of research assumptions, selection of the method and research tool, and development of research results. Empirical research using a survey technique CAWI was conducted among 838 respondents in 2023. Factor analysis, Mann-Whitney U test and Spearman's rank correlation coefficient were used. Hypotheses were confirmed that behaviors in particular areas are positively correlated with the use of applications whose scope correlates with a particular area of behavior, and that economic conditions have the greatest impact on the sustainable lifestyle of representatives of generation Z. The conclusion identifies research limitations and implications, as well as directions for future research.
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