In today's dynamic and competitive environment, universities play a key role in generating, transmitting, and applying knowledge and innovation. The growing interest in evaluating university performance at national and international levels has led to developing and applying university maturity models as effective assessment tools. This article aims to present various approaches to modelling university maturity. A bibliometric analysis was based on publications in the Web of Science and Scopus databases. The research query included TITLE-ABS-KEY ("maturity model" and universit*) for Scopus and TS = ("maturity model" and universit*) for the Web of Sciences database. A total of 123 publication records were analysed. Materials published between 1994 and 2024 in English were examined. A total of 123 publications were selected for the final analysis. Based on the literature review, key factors that may influence university maturity across nine areas were identified. A theoretical University Maturity Model (UMM) is also presented, which should undergo expert evaluation in subsequent stages. Findings suggest that the application of maturity models can significantly enhance universities' management and operational efficiency, offering valuable insights for policymakers in formulating educational policies.
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