Urban mobility planning is one of the key elements in building a sustainable future. Strategic management of urban transport traffic not only reduces congestion and minimises the negative impact on the environment but also positively affects the improvement of residents' quality of life. Furthermore, following the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive approved by the European Union in 2023, companies are obliged to submit annual reports on their environmental impact. One of its elements is the calculation of the organization's carbon footprint, which includes emissions caused by means of transport, including emissions from commuting to work. This case study investigates the impact of transport accessibility on employee preferences and behaviour in the context of changing the premises location, using the example of the Maritime Institute of Gdynia Maritime University (GMU), located at the newly opened Offshore Center in Gdansk seaport. The research hypothesis states that the relocation to new premises with limited transport accessibility may, as a consequence, influence the choice of commuting transportation methods among employees, potentially leading to a shift towards less sustainable means of transport. The results of the research survey prove that there is a complex interconnection between transport accessibility, commuting behaviours, and sustainable mobility initiatives. This pilot study aims to contribute to urban mobility planning by exploring how to transport accessibility influences employee behaviour and by proposing strategies to improve commuting conditions and promote more sustainable solutions.
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