Needs for increasing the storage infrastructure for manure in Poland in the light of the requirements of the new action programme to implement the Nitrates Directive


livestock farms
manure storage
environmental impact

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Kagan, A. (2024). Needs for increasing the storage infrastructure for manure in Poland in the light of the requirements of the new action programme to implement the Nitrates Directive. Economics and Environment, 90(3), 840.


The aim of the research was to determine the need to increase the infrastructure for storing livestock manure in Poland in groups of farms divided on the basis of the number of animal herds. Using individual data from Statistics Poland and using the balance method, the maladjustment of the infrastructure to the new legal requirements regarding the storage of manure was estimated. It was determined that meeting the standards included in the new action program in force in the country under the Nitrates Directive will require the construction or expansion of manure plates with an area of 2,539.6 thousand m2, new tanks with a capacity of 3,437.2 thousand m3 and covering the existing ones with a capacity of 3,170.6 thousand m3. Total investment costs were estimated at PLN 5,907,913.40 thousand, i.e. approximately EUR 1.4 billion. The requirements in force for most entities since January 1, 2025, will bring far-reaching changes, leading to the concentration of animals in very large herds and deepening the regionalisation of production. Both positive and negative effects of this process on the natural environment were indicated. 



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