The European Union is assuming an increase in the role of renewable energy sources (RES) due to the need to diversify the energy balance and decarbonise it. These measures are also necessary because of the need to reduce dependence on uncertain and volatile fossil fuel markets. However, the priority is to minimise the energy sector's environmental impact. Member states have pledged to achieve national RES targets according to their capabilities. The purpose of the article is to assess the development of renewable energy sources and the implementation of Poland's commitments to increase the share of renewable energy in all sources of energy consumed, including the transport sector. The analysis covered EU countries in 2014 and 2020, using EUROSTAT database data. Descriptive analysis and the Hellwig method were used, which made it possible to order countries by their level of development of renewable energy sources. A distinction was made between countries with the highest, high, low and very low levels of development in question. The results of the study revealed regional variations in the level of RES development, placing Sweden, Finland and Austria as leaders. Poland ranked last in 2020, forming a group of countries with the lowest level of RES development. Binding targets at the EU level for RES development have been achieved. With regard to the share of RES in final energy consumption, all countries, with the exception of France, have achieved the target, often higher than the target for the country. Considering the share of RES in transportation, most countries have not reached the planned level.
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