The aim of the article is to systematize knowledge about green competence management treated as a manifestation of the implementation of the green HRM concept and to diagnose the practice of green competence management in companies from the logistics services industry in Poland. The research is qualitative in nature. It was conducted in three logistics companies (one large and two medium-size). Due to the small sample size, the study is treated as a pilot study. The results will be used to formulate hypotheses for quantitative research. The added value of the article is developing an original tool for diagnosing the level of advancement of green HRM practices in the area of competence management, which can be used in various types of business entities, regardless of the sector or industry. Based on the research, it was concluded that—in the surveyed entities—the most common activities include "showing new employees good examples of environmental behavior promoted in the organization" as part of onboarding and HRM activities that can be identified as belonging to the "shaping and developing green competences" group. The least frequently used ones are positive motivational tools aimed at using green competences within, or outside professional activities. The size of the company had no impact on the variety and frequency of green HRM usage.
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