Sustainable development of housing in Poland - psychological factors versus economic choices in the market in terms of the need for contact with the goods of nature and the goods of civilisation at the place of residence


housing preferences
social aspect
need for contact with nature and civilised goods

How to Cite

Stankowska, A., & Stankowska - Mazur, I. (2024). Sustainable development of housing in Poland - psychological factors versus economic choices in the market in terms of the need for contact with the goods of nature and the goods of civilisation at the place of residence. Economics and Environment, 89(2), 770.


 This study investigates the social impact of developer-promoted trends in real estate and their influence on consumer housing preferences, focusing on the need for both nature and urban amenities in urban residences (cities > 50,000). In order to answer the research question posed, survey and statistical analyses were carried out using the IBM SPSS Statistics 27 package. With its help, an analysis of basic descriptive statistics, exploratory PCA analysis with reliability test, Student's t test, Mann-Whitney U test, Pearson's r correlation analysis, analysis of variance, classification-regression trees (CRT) and ROC curve analysis were performed. The findings can contribute to a better understanding of this phenomenon and inform social design in architecture, considering user preferences for designed spaces.



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