The changes in the approach to the realization of "Green Deal" goals of Polish large and medium-sized road carriers as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic


green deal

How to Cite

Letkiewicz, A., Majecka, B., & Ławreszuk, M. (2024). The changes in the approach to the realization of "Green Deal" goals of Polish large and medium-sized road carriers as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Economics and Environment, 89(2), 762.


The purpose of the article is to show changes in the operation of Polish large and medium-sized road carriers in the context of the EU's pro-environmental requirements contained in the Green Deal in the post-pandemic period. The decline in the number of transport orders resulting from the general slowdown in the economy during the COVID-19 pandemic undoubtedly had an impact on the turnover of road carriers and, consequently, on funding for investment projects, including environmentally friendly investments. Verifying the magnitude and direction of such changes seems a much-needed aspect of the research in the context of the Green Deal's unchanging high demands. The research that was conducted shows the impact of the pandemic on the investment decisions and activities of transport companies and the reality of post-pandemic transport. The practical application of the research results is very useful, primarily as guidance for road carriers in the context of Green Deal.



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