Local identity and residents' attitudes towards innovation in sustainable tourism - the example of generation Z


local identity
sustainable tourism
generation Z

How to Cite

Niezgoda, A., & Szymańska, E. (2024). Local identity and residents’ attitudes towards innovation in sustainable tourism - the example of generation Z. Economics and Environment, 89(2), 760. https://doi.org/10.34659/eis.2024.89.2.760


The aim of this article is to identify the attitudes of tourism region residents from generation Z presenting local identity and relate them to innovation, which shapes the product in the sustainable tourism context. A qualitative empirical study was carried out using the focus group interview method, divided into residents representing large centres, medium-sized towns and villages. The research yielded new information stating that young people have a sense of local identity and are attached to their place of residence with no relation to the type (and size) of residence. The research also showed respondents generally expect innovations to be introduced in tourism services and infrastructure, as they see the importance of innovations for building tourism attractiveness and improving the economic situation, which is in line with the idea of sustainable tourism. It, therefore, becomes important for authorities and managers to understand the local identity in the attitude of residents towards tourism innovation.



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