This research examines the symbiotic relationship between the creation of green jobs within enterprises, economic growth, and the consequential reduction in CO2 emissions. It delves into the multifaceted advantages derived from integrating sustainable employment practices within businesses, emphasising their substantial contribution to fostering economic prosperity while concurrently mitigating adverse CO2 emissions. The main goals of this article are as follows: to study the experience of developed countries regarding the costs of their sustainable development strategies and the effects that have been achieved; generalise the main tools for ensuring decent work on the example of large companies, evaluate the relationship between reducing nitrogen dioxide emissions and providing green jobs. A comparison of financial instruments for maintaining green workplaces at enterprises in developed countries (USA, Norway, China, Germany, Sweden, and Poland) has been made. CO2 emissions reduction strategies, expenditure, funding, financing, and green jobs by countries have been analyzed. By investing in green initiatives and restructuring operational frameworks to prioritise sustainability, enterprises actively mitigate their carbon footprint, ultimately contributing to a greener and more environmentally conscious business landscape. This comprehensive study explores recent advancements in green job creation and renewable energy development in different countries of the world. The strategies of reducing CO₂ emissions by such companies as IKEA, Google, Unilever, and Tesla show not only positively impact the environment but can also be profitable for their businesses and guarantee decent work for their employees.
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