Modeling environmental and economic factors in regional energy optimization


regional energy system
environmental footprint
renewable energy
linear programming

How to Cite

Coban , H. H., Lewicki, W., & Brelik, A. (2024). Modeling environmental and economic factors in regional energy optimization. Economics and Environment, 89(2), 748.


This article addresses the contemporary environmental challenges stemming from rapid economic growth, surging energy consumption, urban expansion, and mounting waste issues. The study explores the optimisation of a regional energy system, considering not only the electric energy sector but also the fuel and thermal energy sectors for the selected geographical destination. In this study, the application of the Linprog optimisation function in MATLAB programming tool to solve Regional Energy System Optimization with renewable resources is explained. The primary objective is to develop a mathematical model that identifies the optimal energy balance structure, allowing for the partial replacement of hydrocarbon sources with bioresources and waste in heat and electricity generation, as well as in vehicle fuel consumption. The modelling approach involves linear programming and integrates two key criteria: economic (cost of energy for consumers) and environmental (carbon footprint). The novelty of this approach lies in applying life cycle analysis to assess potential environmental consequences. Results reveal optimal generation volumes based on economic and environmental considerations. When optimising solely for economic criteria, municipal solid waste, along with wind energy, emerges as the preferred source. In contrast, the simultaneous optimisation of economic and environmental parameters aligns with the economic calculation, demonstrating a balanced approach to sustainable development.



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