This article addresses the issue of circular public procurement within the circular economy. The aim of the article is to investigate the relationship between awarding circular public procurements (CPPs) by local government units (LGUs) and the local context indicators, such as legally protected areas, level of income, expenditure or deficit per inhabitant, type of LGUs or model of LGUs management. The theoretical part approaches issues such as LGUs’ practice of awarding CPPs, and the problems associated with circular tenders’ criteria. The conducted empirical study revealed the potential of Polish LGUs for the circular economy, in the field of CPP. However, the results of the survey demonstrated that CPPs based on environmental, social, and economic award criteria, are a myth, not reality. LGUs have very strong purchasing power which may be used to support transformation toward a circular economy. The concluding part highlighted the need for minimum mandatory CPP awarding criteria.
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