The business model is undoubtedly a new issue in scientific research and currently enjoys great popularity, in recent years, it has attracted increasing attention in relation to both financial and non-financial corporate reporting. The purpose of the article is to identify business model disclosures of fuel and energy companies in Poland presented in integrated reports. The study, which examined 70 integrated reports for 2013 and 2021, involved analysing disclosures of information about the business model, analysing the content of integrated reports of companies and checking the scope and content of disclosed information in the part of the report concerning the business model. The content analysis method was used in the study, and the Likert scale was used to measure the level/quality of disclosures. The quality assessment of business model disclosures in integrated reporting is comprised of two steps: analysis of average scores of disclosures in each of the analysed years and case study analysis to compare the practical approach to disclosing information about the business model. The findings proved that the business model disclosures are at a high level. In most cases, the companies use the capital approach, complementing the business model presentations with value creation schemes. The results of the study allow for a better understanding of the logic of running a business of fuel and energy companies for all stakeholders. The article is the result of original empirical research concerning the analysis of non-financial information disclosed by Polish companies and fills a gap in scientific research on disclosing information about the business model in integrated reports. The research presented in the article contributes to the current literature on integrated reporting by using the novel dataset.
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